You can specify a different host and port in the URL text field. 您可以在URLtext字段指定另外的主机和端口。
The Web host text box is given a default value of'localhost '. Webhost文本框有一个默认值“localhost”。
Study on principles of talk show host/ hosess's text construction 谈话节目主持人话语构建原则探析
Text similarity computing is one of the host and important techniques in many NLP applications such as text clustering, information recommendation and so on. 文本相似度计算是文本信息处理的基础,可为文本聚类、文本分类、相似文本资源推荐等提供技术支持。
It is a technique by which some secret information is embedded into the host signal ( text, audio, image or video) as to protect the copyright of digital product, approve the reliability of product, trace the illegal-copy behavior or offer product additional information. 它的基本思想是在数字图像、音频和视频等数字产品中嵌入秘密信息,以保护数字产品的版权、证明产品的真实可靠性、跟踪盗版行为或者提供产品的附加信息。